School is out and summer is officially here! Time to pack the bags, fill the car, and head out on your family vacation. And don’t forget to bring a book or two (or more!) along with you. We have several lists of books to choose from and more are coming. Check out what we have on our shelves:
School Reading Lists
A reminder to parents and teens, those books that are on your Middle and High School summer reading lists are available at the library. We have a shelf dedicated to books from Lincoln and Hawthorne High School as well as St. Anthony’s School and Hawthorne Christian Academy. We also incorporated the reading lists into our Summer Reading Challenge, so you can locate the reading lists online and place requests on them through our BCCLS system. Here the lists below and some of the books we have:
Teen Genre Explorer Reading List
Historical Fiction Genre Explorer ~ Go back in time and read about a part of the past. Find yourself in a new era with these or any Historical Fiction books. These books take place in a real-life setting from the past and talk about actual events, or things that teens had faced way back when. Choose one from here to earn your Genre Explorer – Historical Fiction Badge.
Contemporary Fiction ~ The Contemporary focuses on modern teen’s lives and struggles. Topics like family, abuse, social customs, and traditions can be explored and delved into with these books. Many bridge with other genres like Romance, Mystery, or Paranormal. Choose one from here to earn your Genre Explorer – Contemporary Badge.
Adult Reading Lists
Adventures in the Wilderness ~ The wilds of the world is calling and we have the books to help you answer that call! Look for books centered around locations that are rarely touched by man and how one must endure to survive.