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In order to avoid both the reality and appearance of a conflict of interest in employment within the Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center, no member of the immediate family of the Director or any Board Member shall be permitted for any paid position except Page. No applicant for a position will be employed by the Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center if a member of the applicant's immediate family is currently employed in the Library. . Immediate family members shall not have or be placed in a supervisory position of an employee.
Immediate family member shall mean any individual who is related by marriage or blood and shall include, spouse, children (biological or adopted), parents (biological or adopted), relations by marriage (e.g., step child, step parent, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, nephew and parent-in-law), domestic partners, and civil union partners.
All individuals who apply for employment with the Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center shall be required to disclose all immediate family members who are employed by the Library. Such information shall be maintained as confidential.
All Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center employees and officials shall disclose within sixty (60) days of enactment of this policy all known immediate family members currently working for the Library.
In the event an employee becomes an immediate family member of another employee through marriage, adoption, civil union or otherwise, then such familial relationship shall be disclosed to the Library Director within sixty (60) days. Individuals who become immediate family members with another employee by way of marriage, adoption, civil union, or otherwise, will be allowed to continue to work for the Library, but not in the same division or department and not in a supervisory/subordinate capacity. The Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center will make every effort to transfer an employee who becomes an immediate family member as a result of marriage, adoption, civil union, or otherwise; however, if a transfer or other accommodation is not possible, the Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center reserves the right to terminate an employee who violates this policy as a result of marriage, adoption, civil union, or otherwise. An employee will not be deemed to be in violation of this policy if an immediate family member is appointed to be the Director or elected to the Board after the date of hire of the employee.
Any employee who willfully or deliberately fails to disclose a known immediate family relationship within the Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center shall be subject to disciplinary action for which a penalty up to and including termination may be imposed.
Revised: 04-Nov-2014
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 10-Dec-2014
Any library patron wishing to borrow materials from the Louis Bay 2nd Library must show proof that their borrowing privileges are in good standing and unrestricted.
Proof of a library account includes:
- physical card issued by a BCCLS library
- current photo ID (staff must have patron verbally verify address if not displayed on ID)
- digital representation of the card
- card stored on loyalty card app
- library app or self-checkout app
Each patron may borrow materials up to the following limits at any one time. A total of fifty (50) items may be on loan at once to a person.
Material Type |
Borrowing Limit |
Books |
20 |
Encyclopedias |
1 |
Magazines |
10 |
DVDs |
10 |
CDs |
10 |
Audiobooks |
10 |
Video Games |
5 |
The book drop return, located next to the Library’s front entrance on Lafayette Avenue, is open 24/7 for returning materials. Items returned on the due date will not be charged fines.
Audiobook |
28 |
2 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
New Book |
14 |
1 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
All Other Books |
28 |
2 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
Media |
New DVD & Blu-Ray |
3 |
1 |
$1.00 / $10.00 |
DVD & Blu-Ray |
14 |
2 |
$1.00 / $10.00 |
Games |
14 |
2 |
$1.00 / $10.00 |
Music CD |
14 |
2 |
$1.00 / $10.00 |
** Exceptions: |
Juvenile Holiday Books |
14 |
2 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
Summer Reading |
14 |
0 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
High Demand |
14 |
0 |
$.10 / $5.00 |
as determined by |
as determined by |
as determined by |
Items not returned on the due date will result in a fine Charged each day the item is late based upon the chart above and the owning library’s policy.
Patrons will be billed for the replacement cost (as set by BCCLS policy) of materials overdue for 8 weeks or more. Failure to pay the replacement costs may result in the Library filing a complaint under Hawthorne, New Jersey, Municipal Code § 304-4. Patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of material returned in damaged, wet or unusable condition.
A patron record is blocked by the system when:
- A Courtesy, Pay, or Institution Card Account - – Charges on the account total $5 or more.
- A standard account - Charges on the account total $10 or more.
- The patron has 10 or more items overdue.
- The patron has any item long overdue (45 days).
Any item in circulation may be reserved with the exception of those marked “Hot Copy” or “High Demand”. A staff member will try for two (2) days to notify a patron that a requested item is available for them. If the reserved item is not picked up within three (3) days after notification, it will be taken off reserve and returned to the shelf or given to the next patron on the reserve list. Patrons are strongly encouraged to provide an e-mail address and/or cell phone number able to receive text messages; by doing so they will receive immediate notification when a reserved item is available for them. If no e-mail or cell phone number is available the patron will be called.
The library encourages the use of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) System for the requesting of materials not owned by the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center or any other BCCLS member library. Patrons are limited to placing seven (7) requests per week.
Revised: 03-Oct-2022
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 09-Nov-2022
The Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center exists to serve its community and is committed to providing services and resources to meet the informational, educational, cultural, artistic and recreational needs and interests of its residents without discrimination and without favor.
The purpose of Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center Collection Development Policy is to provide framework for the creation and maintenance of a collection of resources that supports the community. The library will encourage the use of resources to assist individuals in their pursuit of the ideas, information, and creative experience of the world.
This policy will serve as a guideline for selection and acquisition of materials, acceptance of gifts, ongoing management, and reconsideration of materials in the collection. This document cannot cover every situation and is not intended to replace the professional judgment of the staff librarians.
The library is dedicated to the protection of the free expression of ideas and the private reading, listening, and viewing rights of individuals as protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and as set forth by the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements.
Collection Goals
The Library's collections include materials in a variety of formats, at many intellectual levels, to serve a wide range of ages, reading, listening and viewing skills and educational backgrounds. The Library collection will be selected and maintained to enable each person to find the materials and information that she or he wants according to her or his own free choice. The collection, taken as a whole, will be an unbiased and diverse source of information representing as many viewpoints as possible. Materials are not excluded, removed or suppressed because of the language used or views presented. Inclusion of an item in the collection does not constitute endorsement of its content by the Library, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein.
The Board of Trustees recognizes that full, confidential, and unrestricted access to information is essential in order for patrons to exercise their constitutional rights. The Board believes reading, listening, and viewing are individual private matters. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor children, the freedom of others to read or inquire will not be restricted.
The Library does not stand in loco parentis. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for the use of the library's collection by children. It is only the parent or legal guardian who may restrict his/her children from access to library materials or services. The Library collection will be organized, marked, and maintained to help people find the materials they want, however materials will not be restricted, sequestered, altered or labeled by the Library because of controversy about the author or the subject matter. The selection of library materials will not be limited by the possibility that items may be viewed or checked out by minors.
Selection Authority & Decisions
The ultimate responsibility for the direction, purpose and scope of the Collection Development policy rests with the Library Board. The authority and the responsibility for the selection of library materials is delegated to the Library Director by the Library Board and, under his/her direction, to the professional staff who are qualified for this activity by reason of education, training, and experience.
The public is strongly encouraged to suggest items, topics or authors they would like to see included in the collection. Requests may be met through purchasing, reciprocal borrowing, electronic resources or other means.
Criteria for Selection
While a single standard cannot be applied to each potential item for selection, materials are judged by appropriate criteria. In some instances, these criteria include artistic merit, scholarship, or the value of the material to the informational needs of the community. In other instances, the criterion may be substantial demand.
Some selection criteria, which may be considered, include:
- Demonstrated or perceived interest, need or demand by Library users
- Contemporary significance, popular interest, timeliness or permanent value
- Quality, including accuracy, timeliness, clarity and suitability of the format for public lending
- Reputation of the publisher or producer; authority and significance of the author, composer, etc.
- To provide support to the general curriculum of the local schools
- Requests from patrons
- Suggestions from review sources including, but not limited to Library Journal, School Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, New York Times Book Review, Horn Book, and other popular review journals, the media and websites
The Library aims for a broad representation of viewpoints and looks for materials that will supplement, expand upon or support the existing collection. Some materials may be selected solely because they contribute to the diversity of viewpoints represented in the collection. Individual items, which in and of themselves may be controversial or offensive to some patrons or staff, may be selected if their inclusion will contribute to the range of viewpoints in the collection as a whole. A balanced collection reflects a diversity of materials, not an equality of numbers.
Discarding Materials
The Board recognizes that discarding materials is an important part of maintaining an outstanding collection. The authority and responsibility for collection maintenance and for the disposition of withdrawn materials rests with the Library Director and professional staff. Accordingly, the library’s collections are evaluated by the professional staff on an ongoing and systematic basis.
Guidelines for discarding materials complement, but not replace, individual professional judgment and the knowledge of community interests and informational requirements. Items that are outdated, superseded, are no longer of interest, experience insufficient use, are restricted by space limitations or are in poor condition may be discarded, offered to other Libraries, or for sale to the public with proceeds going to The Friends of the Library, or recycled.
Materials will not be removed because of controversy.
Gifts and Donations
The Library gratefully accepts monetary donations to be used to purchase items for the general collection.
Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of at the Library's discretion. Titles acquired in this manner are subject to the basic standards of selection. The cost of processing the item and the availability of shelving space are also factors in determining the acceptance of gifts. The Library does not provide evaluations of gifts for tax deductions or other purposes.
Items not added to the collection may be offered to other Libraries, or for sale to the public with proceeds going to The Friends of the Library, or recycled.
Challenges to Materials
The Library Board considers all materials selected under this policy to be constitutionally protected under the First Amendment of the United States. If a patron claims that a particular item is not constitutionally protected, the burden of proof rests with that patron. If a court having jurisdiction over the Library rules that any material in the collection is unprotected by the Constitution, such material will be removed immediately. Materials under court consideration will remain available to patrons until a court ruling is made and all appeals are exhausted.
The Library Board recognizes the right of individuals or groups to question materials in the collection. Patrons who have concerns regarding the content of any Library materials will be asked to formally present their opinions by completing the Request For Reconsideration of Library Materials Form and submitting it to the Library Director for consideration by the Review Committee. Anonymous phone calls, rumors, or voiced concerns will not be forwarded to the Review Committee for consideration.
The Library will give serious consideration to each opinion so expressed. Material under consideration will remain available to patrons until a decision is made. Because of the need to meet individual as well as group preferences, the number of forms received will not be a factor in reaching a recommendation.
The Review Committee comprised qualified Librarians and Collection Development professionals employed by the library. Committee members will make a recommendation based on their judgment as to whether the material was appropriately selected and made accessible under this policy.
The Library Director will make a final decision regarding the material and reply to the individual or groups in writing as soon as practical. If the person submitting the form is not satisfied with the Library Director’s response, he or she may discuss their concerns with the Library Board during the “Public Comment” portion of the agenda at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The Board will consider the issue and will render a final decision in the matter.
Revised: 27-Jun-2022
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 17-Aug-2022
The primary purpose of the library’s digital sign is to promote Library services and Library Programs. The Library staff reserves the right to deny use of the sign, alter the contents and design of information, and pull and post messages as they see fit.
Messaging via the digital sign is available to non-profits and other organization that provide programs and services to the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center or to the Borough of Hawthorne with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center; however, it is not a guarantee of its use by the non-profits or other organizations.
Messaging via the digital sign may be requested by those groups paying to use the Meeting Rooms of the Community Center with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center.
Messaging via the digital sign cannot be used for the promotion of private businesses or services, the sale of goods and services, or political promotions.
Messages must comply with the guidelines on the Meeting Room Application Form.
Revised: 14-Sep-2015
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 14-Oct-2015
Display Cases
for Public Collections
- The library offers the public the chance to display collections that meet the informational, educational, cultural, artistic, and recreational needs and interests of its residents. Collectors are reminded that their works will be viewed by patrons of all ages.
- Applications for exhibits are made on a first-come, first-served basis. The Library shall have the final decision on the content of all exhibits and displays. The Library reserves the right to reject any display in whole or in part which it deems in its sole discretion to be inappropriate based upon local community standards.
- While all collections will be considered, display case space is not provided for commercial, religious, or political purposes.
- The display cases consist of two freestanding cases: the Minnie B. Johns Memorial lighted oak case (38” x 12” x 45” with two adjustable shelves) and a table case (45” x 22” x 8”).
- Because exhibits and displays are used to present fields of interest as varied as possible, the Library is not able to devote space to a specific week or day each year.
- The Library does not require a fee to display an exhibit. Voluntary donations may be made to The Friends of the Library and will be accepted with appreciation.
- Cases are locked, but the Library assumes no responsibility or liability for the safekeeping of any items exhibited.
- Exhibits and displays will typically be scheduled for a period of one month. If the exhibit/display is not set up at the assigned period, the exhibit/display may be cancelled by the library. It is expected of the exhibitor to contact the Library as soon as possible if they cannot set up on a specific date.
- The Exhibitor is responsible for the set up and breakdown of the exhibit on the dates and times agreed to on the Display Case Application.
- The library recognizes that the policy cannot address all possible situations and it is not an all-inclusive document. Situations not specifically addressed in the policy are handled as they arise.
Revised: 05-May-2018
First Reading: 09-May-2018
Exam Monitoring
Louis Bay 2nd Library’s Librarians will serve as monitors for exams taken by distance learners within the following guidelines:
- Monitoring is a free service.
- A minimum of one-week advance notice is required. In addition, all test taking requirements must be received from the issuing educational institution before any tests are taken.
- Exams will be scheduled during normal library hours of service.
- The Library/Librarian cannot monitor online exams that require public access computer settings to be modified.
- Direct supervision during the exam is not provided.
- The exam monitor will be the Librarian in charge at the time the exam is taken.
Librarian Responsibilities:
- Checking identification of student taking the exam.
- Noting the time that an exam was started and completed in the Library.
- Signing the required school supplied documentation.
- Situating the student in a quiet area of the library or at the pubic PC area, whichever is better suited to the circumstances.
- Fax the completed exam to the institution; provide the fax confirmation to the student and retain a copy at the Library.
- Dispose of the completed exam according to the institution’s instructions.
Student Responsibilities:
- Confirm that this monitoring policy meets the requirements of the institution giving the examination.
- Accept responsibility for providing postage and any other expenses incurred.
- Ensure that the library’s computing resources are adequate for their test taking requirements. The Library accepts no responsibility for Internet connections.
For more information, contact the Reference Desk at 973-427-5745 x17
Revised: 19-Oct-2021
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 08-Dec-2021
The purpose of Louis Bay 2 nd Library & Community Center William A. Monaghan Gallery Policy is to provide a framework for the selection and maintenance of a collection of artistic works to assist individuals in their pursuit of the ideas, information, and creative experience of the world.
- The Library offers artists the opportunity to display works that meet the informational, educational, cultural, artistic, and recreational needs and interest of its residents. Artists are reminded that their works will potentially be viewed by patrons of all ages
- Selection guidelines for exhibits include:
- Selection criteria for art exhibits follow the standards set in the Library’s collection Development Policy.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse artworks not conforming to the Library’s Collection Development Policy.
- Patrons may request to reconsider an art piece just as they can any other material available at the Library. The procedure for reconsideration is explained in the Collection Development Policy.
- Inclusion of an item or items in an exhibit does not constitute endorsement of its content to the Library.
- While all artwork will be considered, the Gallery space is not provided for commercial, religious, or political purposes. Exhibitors may provide a printed catalog or listing of the exhibited materials with detailed information, but items may not have prices affixed.
- The Library does not require a fee to display an exhibit nor does it charge a commission for the sale of items. Voluntary donations may be made to The Friends of the Library and will be accepted with appreciation.
- The Library assumes no responsibility or liability for the safekeeping or any items exhibited.
- The Library recognizes this policy cannot address all possible situations and it is not an all-inclusive document. Situations not specifically addressed in the policy are handled as they arise.
Revised: 10-Jun-2022
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 17-Aug-2022
The Louis Bay 2nd Library’s Memorial/Gift Fund is a wonderful way to honor a friend or loved one. We will honor requests for books, videos or other items. If you would like to match the subject of the gift with the interest of the person being honored, please note the subject area, for example: Sports, Home Improvement, Cooking, etc.
We will accept monetary donations at the Adult Services Reference Desk or you may print out the donation form and mail it in with your gift.
We will acknowledge receipt of your gift and send notification to the family. A gift plate will be placed on the item. If you have any questions please call 973-427-5745.
Are Perfect For...
The Person Who Has Everything
Book Lovers
Friends Who Are Moving Away
Thank You's
Revised: 07-Feb-2017
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 08-Mar-2016
Internet Access
The Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center attempts to provide Library users with the most current resources available. We accomplish this, in part, by offering patrons free access to the Internet from workstations located in the facility.
The Internet is a worldwide entity with a diverse user population. Our patrons access and use it at their own risk. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information found through the Internet and is not responsible for its content, timeliness, or accuracy. All Internet resources available in the Library are provided equally to each Library user. The Library reserves the right to designate specific computer areas for use by our patrons. The Library may set time limits for its use so that all patrons seeking access will have an appropriate opportunity. The Library reserves the right to end an Internet session when time limits are exceeded.
Parents or guardians, not the Library or its personnel, are responsible for the information found by children. Because parents or guardians may feel that information available through the Internet is not suitable for viewing by the children in their care, supervision is advised. Normally, the Library staff will not monitor or supervise Internet access, other than for length of use. However, if Internet searching results in disruption of Library services, or if patron behavior when using Internet resources becomes inappropriate for a Library setting, the Library reserves the right to end the session.
The Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center is not responsible for damage to a patron's portable storage or peripheral devices, or for any loss of data, damage or liability that may occur from use of the Library's computers. The Library has installed a virus checker on its computers; however, this will not completely protect patrons from getting a virus. Information downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus and patrons will be advised to have virus checking software on their computers.
The Library supplies and maintains a wireless Internet connection. This connection is for the convenience of our patrons who wish to use their personal computers for Library research and other legitimate Internet activities. Please note that this is an unsecured network with no firewall in place. As such, all transactions are vulnerable to "lurking", viruses and other Internet hazards.
Any illegal use of this network is forbidden. Illegal use would include, but is not limited to transmission of illegal materials, abuse of copy written materials, spamming, pinging, software piracy, obscene speech or materials, child pornography, underage gambling or other illegal actions. Anyone discovered using this network for illegal purposes will be required to leave the premises immediately and may be subject to criminal or civil liability. The Library can provide minimal technical assistance with accessing this service and will not be held liable for any damage to personal equipment that occurs while using this connection. Use is strictly at your own risk.
Revised: 27-Jun-2022
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 17-Aug-2022
Meeting Room
The Library desires to provide an opportunity to bring together the resources of the Library and the activities of the community by providing space for group meetings and events. To achieve this purpose, meeting room space is made available to groups for educational, cultural and civic purposes without discriminatory restrictions.
Priority will be given to
- Programs sponsored by the Library and the Friends of the Library.
- Hawthorne non-profit organizations
- Passaic County non-profit organizations.
- Professional or commercial organizations for informational, and/or educational purposes, with Board approval and for a fee. However, in order to use the meeting room, it is essential that an organization, whether it is a non-profit or for profit group, has insurance coverage of its own.
To encourage the cultural life of the community of Hawthorne, meeting room space may occasionally be provided at no charge to organizations that enrich the community by providing exhibitions of music, dance, art and other cultural performances that enhance the lives of community members. This waiver of fees will occur at the discretion of the Library Board Trustees.
Meeting rooms may not be used for purely social purposes or by private individuals to transact commercial business. The library will not exclude any group based on the subject matter to be discussed or based on the ideas that the group advocates.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the Library's facilities does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the groups by the Library or an endorsement of their policies or beliefs.
Neither the name nor the address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of any organization.
Lectures or seminars by professionals or commercial associations for informational/educational purposes will be permitted at the following rates:
Available Facilities
Meeting Room for including setup/breakdown |
Capacity |
Fee |
Fee |
Room A+B (Entire Room) |
170 people |
$200 |
$100 |
Room A (Smaller section of Community Room) |
80 people |
$100 |
$50 |
Room B (Larger section of Community Room) |
90 people |
$125 |
$65 |
Room C |
45 people |
$75 |
$40 |
All meetings on Library premises, even those intended mainly for the existing members of a group, must be completely open both to the staff of the Library and to the general public.
Meeting Rooms will be available will begin no earlier than the normal start time for the Library and end 15 minutes prior to the normal closing time for the day; specifically,
Monday-Thursday9:00 am to 8:45 pm
Friday9:00 am to 5:15 pm
Saturday10:00 am to 4:45 pm
Requests for the use of a meeting room on Sundays and holidays or other times when the Library is closed will be considered at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees and the Director and may include an additional hourly fee.
No admission fees may be charged by any group using the meeting room except by the Friends of the Library or the Hawthorne Community Library Foundation (two organizations whose events benefit the Library). This does not apply to paid registrations for conferences, materials charged for seminars or dues normally collected by organizations that meet at the Library.
Smoking, serving alcoholic beverages and gambling are prohibited.
Doorways must be left free of obstacles. With the exception of tables and chairs, no objects or structures in the meeting rooms may be moved and/or removed unless prior notification is given to and permission is granted by Staff.
Nails, screws or other devices, which may mark Library property, are not to be used. When using art supplies, e.g., markers, glitter, glue, etc., plastic sheeting or newspaper must be used to protect the tables.
Rooms must be clean of all litter when meetings close.
A member of the Library staff must train members of the public who wish to use projection equipment belonging to the Library. Any individual or group using Library equipment is responsible for any damage to that equipment.
Any display material must be installed and removed by the members of the organizations.
Light refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms but must not be carried into other parts of the building. Kitchenette is available for food preparation. The kitchenette must be left clean after use.
No printed or promotional materials may be distributed or displayed on Library property for publicity purposes without prior approval of the Program Coordinator.
The Library may not be identified as a sponsor. No product may be offered for sale unless the sales are part of a program sponsored by the Hawthorne Community Library Foundation or the Friends of the Library since profits from these programs benefit the Library.
The applicant must assume responsibility for the conduct of the users and for any damage to the building and/or its equipment.
Failure to abide by the rules may result in cancellation or refusal of future reservations
- Application for the use of the meeting rooms must be made in writing on a form supplied at the Library a minimum of 30 days before the event. The initial application to use the meeting room must be made to the Louis Bay 2nd Library Board of Trustees. Any organization that has previously been approved by the Board may subsequently be approved by the Library Director.
- In consideration of the use of a meeting room, each organization agrees:
- It will pay for all damage to any property of the Louis Bay 2nd Library resulting directly or indirectly from the conduct of any member, officer, employee or agent of the organization, or any of its invitees.
- It will save harmless and indemnify the Louis Bay 2nd Library from and against any and all liability which may be imposed upon it for any injury to persons or property caused by the organization or any other person in connection with the meeting.
- Proof of insurance, in the form of a certificate naming the Library Board of Trustees as an additional insured party, must be provided before approval is granted.
- It is understood that the Louis Bay 2nd Library assumes no responsibility whatever for any property placed in the library in connection with a meeting; and that the Louis Bay 2nd Library is hereby expressly released and discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons or property which may be sustained by reason of a meeting.
- A new Application for Meeting Room & Library Meeting Room Policies use must be filed each year.
- If a group wishes to cancel its reservation, it shall immediately notify the Library Program Coordinator not less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
- The Louis Bay 2nd Library Board of Trustees assigns to the Library Director the right to revoke permission to use a meeting room when he/she deems it necessary. Upon adequate notice a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours should be given, but may not be if the library is forced to close due to an emergency.
- The Board reserves the right to waive any charges under certain conditions.
Revised: 12-Nov-2014
Approved by the Board of Trustees: Jan-14-2014
Pay Cards
A paid library card (referred to hereafter as a Pay Card Account) from the Louis Bay 2nd Library is available for purchase by non-residents, not residing in a BCCLS member community, for an annual non-refundable fee of $250.
Pay Cards Accounts expire on the anniversary date of purchase.
Pay Card Account holders may borrow materials from the Louis Bay 2nd Library only. Reciprocal borrowing privileges including the ability to borrow digital materials from other BCCLS Libraries are not extended to Pay Card Account holders.
Applicants for non-resident Pay Card Account must complete the required application forms and must present valid identification showing current address. It is the responsibility of the Pay Card Account holder to inform the library of any change in address.
All Pay Card Account holders utilizing the Louis Bay 2nd Library shall be subject to all terms of use established by the Board of Trustees of the library and all rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, rules regarding conduct, decorum, use of library property, return of library property, payment of charges and fees, including late charges and such other terms of use as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the library in its discretion.
Failure to comply with Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center policies and procedures may result in revocation of all Pay Card Account privileges.
Revised: 03-Oct-2022
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 09-Nov-2022
Prospect Park Patrons
Library Services
The Borough of Hawthorne and the Borough of Prospect Park have entered into an agreement whereby the Louis Bay 2nd Library will be available to residents of Prospect Park.
Getting a Library Card
Register for a card by completing an application and paying the fee at the Clerk's Office in the Borough of Prospect Park
Accounts are per household only
$20.00 per household
$15.00 per household, seniors
Bring the completed application to the Library and we will create your account and issue your card.
Prospect Park accounts per this agreement are categorized as a Pay Card Account and are subject to the Pay Card Account Policy.
If anyone else in the household wishes to purchase a second account, (s)he must go directly to the Library and the cost will be the regular price of a Pay Card Account.
Revised: 30-Sep-2022
Approved: 09-Nov-2022
Public PC Access
The Library has PCs available for public use with Internet connectivity and productivity software like word processing. A patron must log on with a valid library account or guest pass in order to use these PCs.
Once logged on the Public PCs, all patrons are expected to comply with the Library’s Internet Use Policy.
It is at the Staff’s discretion on a case by case basis to grant extensions above the maximum allowed time per day.
Patrons who reside in NJ and are eligible for an account in a BCCLS library must show proof of their account
Proof of a library account includes:
- physical card issued by a BCCLS library
- current photo ID (staff must have patron verbally verify address if not displayed on ID)
- digital representation of the card
- card stored on loyalty card app
- library app or self-checkout app
If the patron does not have proof of a library account, they will not have access to the Public PCs.
Patrons who reside in NJ, but are not eligible for an account in a BCCLS library
The patron must show photo ID and will be given a guest pass that allows them to access the computers for a maximum of one hour per day.
If the patron does not have ID they will not have access to the Public PCs.
Patrons who do not reside in NJ The patron must show photo ID and will be given a guest pass that allows them to access the computers for a maximum of one hour per day.
If the patron does not have ID, they will not have access to the Public PCs.
Revised: 09-Oct-2024
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 13-Nov-2024
All residents of Hawthorne, NJ are eligible for a Louis Bay 2nd Library and Community Center account and are encouraged to take advantage of the offerings of the public library.
This privilege extends to Hawthorne residents and to those owning property in the Borough. Courtesy Card Accounts may be issued to those employed or attending school in Hawthorne but not residing in any BCCLS member towns.
Residents of Prospect Park are eligible for a library card that is a Pay Card Account; the policy regarding library accounts for Prospect Park patrons may be found here.
Courtesy Card Accounts and Pay Card Accounts are for use only in the Louis Bay 2nd Library and are not eligible for access to digital materials.
Proof of eligibility is required at the time of registration.
The Library issues accounts to the following age groups:
- Adult (age 18 and older)
- Juvenile (age 4 to 17)
To obtain an Adult Account:
- Complete an application and provide identification
- The following are acceptable forms of identification with a current address:
- Valid Driver's License
- Current property tax receipt
- Utility bill dated within the last month
- Rental lease or rent receipt
To obtain a Juvenile Account (Traditional):
- The child should be present.
- The child's parent or legal guardian must confirm residency with one of the above mentioned forms of identification and co-sign the child's account application.
- The parent/guardian is ultimately responsible for the return of all materials charged out to the child and financially responsible for all fines and replacement costs incurred by the child under the age of 18 years old. Additionally, the parent or guardian must assure that the child will comply with the Library's Code of Conduct.
To obtain a Juvenile Card (Alternate):
- To facilitate the goal of issuing Louis Bay 2nd Library cards to all Hawthorne High School students, the Library will accept our completed and signed Registration Forms from the High School.
- Once the Registration Form has been received by the Library, it will be evaluated according to the following criteria; an account will be issued accordingly:
Existing |
Same |
Fines >= |
Replacement |
Card |
Cost |
Library Visit |
N |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
New |
$0.00 |
no |
Y1 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Replacement |
fines + costs |
yes |
Y1 |
Y |
Y |
N |
Replacement |
fines |
yes |
Y1 |
Y |
N3 |
Y |
Replacement |
costs |
yes |
Y1 |
Y |
N3 |
N |
Replacement |
$0.00 |
no |
Y1 |
N |
Y |
Y |
Replacement |
fines + costs |
yes |
Y1 |
N |
Y |
N |
Replacement |
fines |
yes |
Y1 |
N |
N3 |
Y |
Replacement |
costs |
yes |
Y1 |
N |
N3 |
N |
Replacement |
$0.00 |
no |
Y2 |
N/A |
Y |
Y |
New |
fines + costs4 |
yes |
Y2 |
N/A |
Y |
N |
New |
fines4 |
yes |
Y2 |
N/A |
N |
Y |
New |
cost4 |
yes |
Y2 |
N/A |
N |
N |
New |
$0.00 |
no |
1Hawthorne Address
2 non Hawthorne Address
3 Fines < $10.00 will be waived
4 Subject to the policies of the home library on the existing patron
The parent/guardian is ultimately responsible for the return of all materials charged out to the child and financially responsible for all fines and replacement costs incurred by the child under the age of 18 years old. Additionally, the parent or guardian must assure that the child will comply with the Library's Code of Conduct.
Library staff are entitled to request identification from any patron wishing to borrow or request items.
Proof of a library account includes:
- physical card issued by a BCCLS library
- current photo ID (staff must have patron verbally verify address if not displayed on ID)
- digital representation of the card
- card stored on loyalty card app
- library app or self-checkout app
The Library holds borrowers responsible for items checked out on their account, even if the use is unauthorized. If either part of a borrower's card is lost or stolen (regular card or keytag), and they notify the library of that fact, they are not held responsible for items borrowed on their account after the notification date.
Patrons must adhere to the Library's Rules of Conduct or they may be asked to leave the building and/or forfeit their library card privileges.
Library Account Replacement, Expiration, and Renewal
- The first card is available at no charge, replacement cards are $3.00 each. It is the card holder's responsibility to inform the library of any change in contact information.
- Residents' library accounts expire three years from the date of issue
- Courtesy Card Accounts and Pay Card Accounts expire one year from date of issue.
- To renew a card, identification is required; acceptable forms of identification with a
current address are the same as those required to establish or provide proof of a library
account. - All fines and/or fees must be paid in full before the account will be renewed.
Revised: 11-Dec-2024
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 08-Jan-2025
Rules of Conduct
The Library & Community Center welcomes its patrons to use its materials, services and building in a safe and pleasant environment, conducive to reading and learning.
- Leave a child who needs care (generally under the age of seven) unattended in the Library & Community Center without adult supervision.
- Request or expect staff to protect or monitor children, adults needing care or personal belongings.
- Film, photograph or interview patrons in the Library & Community Center, unless approved by the Library Director.
- Smoke, strike matches or light lighters within fifty (50) feet of the building.
- Bring animals into the Library & Community Center, except service animals to assist patrons with disabilities.
- Fail to wear proper attire, including shoes and shirt. (No cleats permitted.)
- Skateboard, rollerblade or the like.
- Sleep anywhere in the building.
- Harass users or staff, verbally or physically.
- Carry a weapon into the Library & Community Center, unless authorized by law.
- Use computers to display sexually explicit graphics or materials that are obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors. (Computer use is first come, first serve)
- Engage in disruptive or disrespectful conduct, including loud talking, rude language, making noise, running, pushing, and fighting.
- Interfere with another person's use or enjoyment of the Library building, materials or services or with the staff's performance of their duties.
- Have offensive bodily hygiene so as to constitute a nuisance to other persons requiring the patron to leave the building.
- Talk on cell phones (permitted in Main Lobby only). Do turn off ringers in Library & Community Center.
- Play audio equipment so that others can hear it.
- Steal, damage or mark Library materials, premises or equipment.
- Misuse the restrooms (e.g., as a laundry or bathing facility).
- Use fire exits, except in an emergency.
- Open or close windows (which may be performed by staff only).
- Move or misuse furniture (e.g., sitting on work surfaces or putting feet on chairs).
- Enter non-public areas without permission.
- Consume Food anywhere in the library, unless it is expressly approved or provided for a Library program or event
- Consume Beverages anywhere other than the main lobby, unless it is expressly approved or provided for a Library program or event. Beverages must be in a closed container.
- Place bicycles anywhere on the grounds other than the bicycle rack.
Revised: 02-Nov-2020
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 09-Dec-2020
Social Media
Purpose: This Louis Bay 2nd Library & Community Center's participation in online venues and social media, defined here as any facility for online publication and commentary, including but not limited to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). The Library makes use of these tools to reach out and be more easily accessible to current and potential Library users. Social media allow the Library to meet users where they are, and give staff and public a convenient way to interact and share information, ideas, and opinions on a range of topics related to the Library's mission, collections and services.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Library: The Library's social media sites serve as "limited public forums." The Library sets rules for use of its online venues and social media sites, just as it does for use of its other resources and communications. Comments/posts will be moderated by Library staff for content and relevancy. The Library reserves the right to deny or remove any comments, tags, and/or images that violate the law, the rights of any third party, or Library policies.
The Library is not responsible for the content on the pages of friends, fans, or followers of the Library. The Library does not endorse or review content of third-party sites.
User Responsibilities and Use Restrictions: Users of all ages have the responsibility to protect their privacy and should not post personally identifying information, such as last name, school, age, phone number or address. The Library does not act in place of, or in the absence of, a parent.
Users may not post comments, tags and images that impinge on another's privacy or that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory. Violations include, but are not limited to:
- off-topic and/or disruptive posts
- commercial promotions or spam
- duplicated posts from the same individual
- threatening language and personal attacks
- private, personal information published without consent
- obscene or libelous content
- copyright infringement/plagiarized material
- political advocacy
- posts that violate laws or Library policies
Cyberbullying: is defined as bullying or harassment that happens online. It can be in the form of an email, text message, game, chat room, or on a social networking site. The Library has zero tolerance for cyberbullying. Anyone using Library computers or wifi in violation of this policy shall lose all privileges for a time to be determined by the Director. Students who violate this policy can and will be reported to the Schools in accords with the School’s Cyberbullying Policy.
Revised: 03-Oct-2016
Approved by the Board of Trustees: 09-Nov-2016
Unattended Minors
The Louis Bay 2nd Library highly encourages children to use the library so they can develop a love of books, reading, and libraries.
However, the safety and well-being of children left alone in the library or on the library grounds is a serious concern. The library staff does not assume responsibility for the well-being of children left unattended in the library or on the library grounds.
A parent or responsible caregiver 18 years or older must be present in the library or on the library grounds with any child under the age of 10. If a child under the age of 10 is left unattended in the library or on the library grounds, a staff member can call the parent or guardian to pick up the child. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached and/or cannot pick up the child, a staff member can call the police.
If an unattended child under the age of 18 is alone at closing time or in the case of an emergency closing, a staff member will attempt to contact the child's parent or caregiver. Two staff members will remain with the child. If a parent or responsible caregiver does not arrive within 15 minutes after the library's closing time, the police will be notified.
Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the conduct of their minor children (under 18 years of age) in the library or on the library grounds.
Volunteer Policy
Click Here to Download PDF
Purpose: The Louis Bay 2nd Library encourages volunteers to supplement the efforts of paid library staff to provide quality library collections, services and programs; serve as a method for area residents to become familiar with the library; and create opportunities for individuals to feel personal satisfaction while performing a valuable service for the community.
- A volunteer is a person who performs tasks for the Louis Bay 2nd Library without wages, benefits or compensation of any kind. Examples include members of Boards, such as the Board of Trustees, Hawthorne Community Library Foundation and Friends of the Louis Bay 2nd Library. There are also service volunteers who do work for the Library and function in ways similar to staff.
- Service volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the library and shall be guided by the same work and behavior codes as employees.
- The Borough of Hawthorne does not provide workers compensation coverage for volunteers.
- Service volunteers who work on a regular basis or at the Library building will fill out volunteer information registration forms which will be kept on file in Library Administration. Minor children may only work as volunteers with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
- Service volunteers may be subject to background checks at the discretion of the director both before they begin work and at any point while performing volunteer duties.
- All work performed by service volunteers is to be supervised by library staff.
- Volunteer status is solely at the discretion of the Louis Bay 2nd Library.
Approved: January 2008